A Teahouse Scribetober

An Asian Art-Focused Scribal Challenge Event every October!

Cover Image Source: Tokyo National Museum

What is ScribeTober?

ScribeTober is a term coined by SCAdians Nykera, Kingdom of An Tir, and Cami and Baxter.  Every October, there is a daily prompt for those who wish to work on their scribal skills, with examples and inspiration.  This is all coordinated through their Facebook Group"ScribeTober."

These are not just for calligraphy, but illumination skills as well, and are usually done as little art cards, that people can later trade to others if they'd like. 

An Asian Scribetober

As many European Scribal prompts include terms that don't crossover very well, my friends and I  wanted to one day host an Asian Art focused Scribal Challenge during the same month, to provide for those wanting to also improve their art skills, but on different techniques. 

This year I (SCA name: Choi Min) finally have some time and would like to finally launch this idea, after a few years of not being able to participate, but also not having time due to life things to plan my own ScribeTober. 

October 2024 Scribal Challenge

The prompts for this year will be posted daily on the Teahouse Facebook Page, and Choi Min's Instagram, and will be added as images to this webpage.  

The full list will also be posted here and on those places soon for people who like working in batches.

Every prompt will be posted to the ScribeTober FB group, and you can share your works there, or if you prefer Instagram, use the tag "#TeahouseScribetober" and/or "TeahouseScribetober2024" so we can see your prompt results!